Graduation ceremony of students who have completed the FCE exam (Level B2).
INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED • Cambridge Exams are established and prestigious exams certified by the University of Cambridge
and recognized all around the world. • Cambridge Exams can be taken at 2,800 authorized exam centers worldwide in 130 countries.
There are more than 52,000 registered exam preparation centers.
IMPROVE YOUR REAL-LIFE ENGLISH SKILLS • By preparing for a Cambridge Exam, you will develop communication skills that you can use for
everyday life, work, and study. • Cambridge Exams FCE, CAE & CPE focus on general English and are fun to prepare for. Unlike
IELTS, the exams do not just cover academic English but are designed to test the English you
will read, write, hear, and speak in real-life situations.
SET GOALS AND INCREASE YOUR MOTIVATION • When you get to a higher level of English – at least good Upper Intermediate (B2) - you have the
English skills to communicate with most people, deal with most situations, and do most things
you need to do on a daily basis. The challenge you have is to push yourself further.
• Preparing for Cambridge FCE, CAE or CPE will help you set goals and give you the motivation
you need to take your English to the next level!
STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD • Today’s job market is very international but it's also very competitive. Many other international
candidates have great English… but how many can prove it? A Cambridge exam allows you to
get that advantage.
• A Cambridge qualification on your CV not only shows that you have that level on English
officially - but it also shows an employer that you are willing to dedicate time to improving your
English and your professional skills.
VALID FOREVER • Unlike other exams, such as IELTS, the Cambridge Exams have no expiry date. So when you
take a Cambridge exam, the result is valid forever.